“The 7 sins revisited” a poetic text that is part of the reason the seven deadly sins and correspondingvirtues in an attempt to draw a certain mood in the contemporary world. In parallel, work chart that accompanies the text enters into dialogue with him and opens possibilities · possible interpretationin multiple directions, leaving always the last word to the reader. From the preface of Ramon Sanz:”Xavier Jove, who seems to believe that Providence is a philanthropist and stealth all in the long run, better finish, is unlike the so decorós, not the usual, almost disturbing taste for the truth , to weave a tight mat without loose ends, essential, and also away from the monotonous and abstractmoralistic storytelling as the free or partisan. as for the collage of texts that alternate with XavierJove, not the work of Joseph Serra has been limited to more or less just a symbolic representationof poems. it is not just an exercise in form but also a work of ideas, not only reading but also a model. its efficiency is above and does not depend on any interpretation of it. “